I am hopeful everyone was able to enjoy a merry holiday season despite social distancing and the current state of affairs. As we head into 2021, we all have personal intentions and goals, and I humbled by your trust in Underground Cycling and Fitness to help you achieve them. I do realize some friends are looking forward to getting back to the studio while others may prefer to stay home and then there are some friends that would like to do both. I completely understand and can relate. With that said, I am happy to announce that the studio will reopen on Monday, 1/18/21. With the reopening, masks will be required while you are in the studio and class size will be limited. No, this is not the best situation, but I am hopeful that soon this will all be behind us, however, for now, all we can do is just keep moving forward. As mentioned, virtual classes will continue and I can only see them get better. Underground Cycling is currently being attended by members in 4 states! I am hopeful to cover more of the map. If you are currently renting a bike, please just let me know if you prefer to stay virtual with the cycling or if you are interested in returning the bike so we can make the necessary arrangements. Thank you very much. I am very grateful for your support. I am very happy to share that I am attending my yoga training this upcoming weekend and I am looking forward to adding yoga classes to the schedule. Also, Saturday 1//23/21 will be a 90-minute cycling class (Schedulicity will be updated). Speaking of the schedule and considering everyone is sending out survey questions. I need to know what you want. If I have learned anything from Covid, it is that we can pivot pretty quickly. I am interested in when can you workout and what classes are you interested in seeing more of? This will also tell me if you read all of my emails. I am very hopeful and optimistic about what 2021 will bring. I can only believe that better days are ahead of us and together we can face anything. Schedule Now
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