Have I ever told you how grateful I am for you? The past couple of years has been a challenge for everyone. Personally, I choose to focus on all that we learned and not what we have lost. As a community, WE have come so far together. Recently I shared the reason behind why I started the Underground; I want to work out all day with my friends. This has not changed. I rely on all of you to help me continue to do what I do. I realize there are so many other options for you, yet, you continue to join me in an effort to get stronger, faster, and increase mobility. Whether you are coming into the studio, attending classes virtually through Zoom, or taking an On-Demand class when it fits your schedule, you continue to show up THANK YOU!
Due to the pandemic, we have only gotten better. Members now have the option to attend classes that best suit their personal comfort level and still feel like they are a part of the class. I absolutely love this. I now get to see my friends in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and as far away as North Carolina. LOVE IT! I feel everyone that attends the classes via Zoom adds the same amount of energy as those that are in the studio and I appreciate that. Thank you. Friends, that is a testament to your own level of engagement and I appreciate you participating at the same level of intensity whether you are in the studio or in your living room. Your energy carries and it is amazing.
Everyone is now operating with new schedules and in an effort to help you continue with your fitness, a library of ON-DEMAND classes has been added. I hear from many of you when you take an on-demand class, and I love hearing about the experience. Thank you. With that said, I have been asked to find out if you have a favorite class that you go back to time and time again? Please let me know so I can make sure to keep it in the library.
Speaking of schedules, there are just a couple of changes to the schedule effective Sunday, 1/2/22.
Sundays: Cycling 90 minutes 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays: Cycling 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Saturday RACE DAYS will be on 1/8/22 and 1/22/22
Friends, if we can do all the above during a pandemic, just think of what we can accomplish in 2022. Lastly, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and successful New Year!