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Member Protection new policies and procedures

1. If any of the following apply, you should not enter the facility and put other members and staff at risk: a. Any symptoms of COVID-19 (see Universal Guidelines for a list of potential symptoms) or fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher. b. Close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days. c. Traveled in the past 14 days either: i. Internationally (outside the U.S.), ii. By cruise ship, or iii. Domestically (within the U.S.) outside of NH, VT, or ME on public transportation (e.g., bus, train, plane, etc.).

2. All members must wear a reusable/washable cloth face coverings over their nose and mouth when in the facility and not actively engaged in a workout where a face covering may make it difficult to breathe (e.g. sitting on a bench, listening to instructions, resting, talking with others in work-out/fitness room, etc.).

3. Frequent hand hygiene should be performed including, but not limited to, hand hygiene upon arrival at the facility, before and after going to the bathroom, between work-outs, before and after touching a person’s face or face covering, and prior to leaving the event.

4. Members must stay at least 6 feet apart from other members and staff at all times.

5. Class participants are required to thoroughly clean and disinfected used equipment (machines, benches, bars, dumbbells, weights, sporting equipment, etc.) after each use. Only clean equipment should be placed back on a storage rack or in a container to be ready for the next use.

6. Members should bring their own mat for each visit if necessary, for a group class.

7. Avoid congregating in entry areas. Develop a process to avoid congregating in entry areas. People should arrive at the facility wearing a cloth face covering.

8. Members who do not comply with the requirements will be asked to leave the facility. Repeat offenders will not have access to the facility or classes until the facility has returned to normal operations after COVID-19 has decreased to low levels of community transmission.



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