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As many of you already know, the IN-STUDIO classes at Underground Cycling are ending at the end of September. I may have shared way too much information with you over the years, but owning my own gym was the 5-year goal I wrote about as a Senior in high school. Well, it wasn't in five years after high school, but I think we all know time management is not my strength. I did eventually open a gym and I have all of you to thank for that. I am and always will be grateful. THANK YOU!

What I lack in time management I make up with perseverance or just plain old stubbornness. The pandemic changed all our lives in how we do things. For Underground Cycling that meant the addition of virtual and on-demand classes. Although the brick-and-mortar studio will be closed, Underground Cycling will continue offering VIRTUAL AND ON-DEMAND CLASSES. I am happy to announce the pricing structure to reflect the changes has been posted on the website. I am optimistically hopeful you will continue your fitness journey with Underground Cycling.

Lastly, while I have your attention, I would like to also announce the addition of Unwind Yoga to Tuesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. (effective 8/23/22) Because "IT IS GOOD FOR YOU!"



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