I did listen in on the NH Economy Task Force deliberation yesterday. The owner of The Executive Health Club made a very impressive presentation representing the Gyms and Health Clubs of NH. Although May 18th was suggested as date of re-opening, a sub-committee must be formed to survey and compile data to present to the Governor for his approval.
I left the meeting feeling optimistic. As I mentioned, the presentation was well thought out and the response from leaders on the call was only to voice their interest in being members of the subcommittee. I want the studio to open as soon as possible, but I also want you to be aware it is in the process and the subcommittee will be designing the protocols to keep everyone safe. Let us all keep our fingers crossed the process will be diligent and timely.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support. As I listened to the presentation, I felt blessed and humbled. I have so many of you that have continued to support me and Underground Cycling through this pandemic. You have only inspired me to do the best that I can do, and I would like to say thank you. I am truly humbled and forever grateful.