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Thinking outside the Studio

The holiday season is here! Let's have some fun spreading a little holiday cheer.

I would like to invite you to a VIRTUAL UGLY SWEATER Cocktail Party. Saturday, 12/19/20 from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sweater or NO sweater, (but I understand they are sexy) please join us in celebrating the season and our friendship that has only been strengthened through our distancing. A separate email will be sent on 12/19/20 with the link. I hope to see you there.

Let's keep the party going. HOLIDAY PAJAMA BARRE class (wear your most festive holiday pajamas). Sunday, 12/20/20 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The class can be found under Zoom Barre None. Please invite your family. It should be a jolly good time.

Don't worry all my cycling friends. I have something just for you! Friday, 1/1/21, 2-hour REBEL YELL into 2021!!!!! Please join us from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. for 100 jumps to set our intentions for 2021!

Lastly, the Underground Cycling studio is full of equipment that is collecting dust. What do you need? I would like to offer to all of my Monthly Members an opportunity to borrow some equipment that you do not have at home. TRX strap, stability ball, and weights. I have bikes too, however, I do need to charge rent for a bike, if that is of interest to you.

It is the mission of Underground Cycling to provide a virtual experience as close to a studio experience as possible and will continue to do just that for as long as it takes.

Our strength is in our numbers, let's stay healthy, stay positive, and stay connected.

Always my best.



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