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What is going on??!

I am hopeful this finds you and your family well. I would first like to apologize for my seeming disappearance act. It could not be helped. I did test positive for Covid and have been very ill. Although I am on the mend, I realize it is going to be a slow progression back, but I am feeling more up to the challenge. Thank you Mary for picking up the classes and without a doubt have been challenging all those in attendance. I would also like to thank you all for the good wishes, support, and prayers. I am indebted to every one of you and your support is humbling. Thank you.

As we have now entered the holiday season and the Covid numbers continue to increase, I have decided to keep the studio closed to public access and continue with VIRTUAL classes only.

I feel this is not a popular business decision but the right one, for now. Friends, this is for your protection and it is not a decision I am making easy, but I know it is just the right thing to do. I am hopeful 2021 brings brighter days and we can safely re-open in the new year.

I realize this year has not been one that any of us predicted or expected, but we as the UC community have banded together to help each other thru it and will continue to do just that to the best of our ability. It is always more fun with friends, and I am hoping we can all still have fun even if we are connected a little differently.

In the recent past, I had rented bikes to keep those that are interested in continuing with their fitness journey, I am renting bikes again for $25/wk in hopes to help you and honestly, the studio. Please let me know if you are interested and we can arrange curbside pickup (lol, I had too it is funny)

We all have to keep moving forward and your continued support, perseverance, and grit will be what gets us all through this together. Again, thank you to everyone for your good wishes and support. UC is more of a family than a gym, and I realize that may sound corny, but after what I just went thru it became more clear how much we all mean to one another. As always, I am humbled by the love you all show me every day. But please know, I love you all right back!

Humbly, honestly, and kindly.




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