First, the biggest change is the addition of the 6:45 a.m. classes as follows: Monday - Barre Tuesday - TRX Wednesday - Cycling Thursday - Circuit Friday - Cycling
Another change is to the Friday 4:00 p.m. time slot will now be Cycling. Lastly, Saturday Morning barre will begin at 9:30 a.m. to help members have a chance to workout without it taking all day. Lastly, Lastly... The Strictly Strength Schedule will also have some additions to the 5:30 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. time slots. Please take a look at the updated schedule on the signup/schedule page.
In order to participate in the MS Cape Cod getaway the studio is closed on Saturday 6/30 and Sunday 7/1/18. I appreciate your understanding and your support with this annual event.
These changes were made to help you fit your personal fitness goals into your busy summer schedules. Most of these changes were due to members
suggestions and requests. Please keep the ideas coming.